Its quick, simple, extremely functional, even has a thumbnail preview of pictures in remote folders. Seriously try this app, you wont be let down. I spent countless dollars on other apps that didnt fill my superior nerdy needs, then FTP client pro came along, coddled me, told me everything was going to be OK! That my files would be transferred safely. I did a speech at mass on Sunday about how fulfilled my FTP needs have been since this app came into my life in late 2014, several other members of my church had shared their FTP nightmares at that time.... The following week at church everyone was a buzz about this app... Everyone broke out into song as we were all uploading pictures of each others shared glorious joy of this app. 1 family shared their story about how this app saved their childrens lives, as the children have severe allergies to peanuts, their father uploaded peanut free recipes to their FTP server and gave access to their babysitter, and she made those kids a safe dinner! Personally my marriage has been saved by this App, before FTP Client Pro, my wife and I hated the sight of each other, couldnt stand each other, but once we both started uploading photos of times when we loved each other to our shared FTP folder, we remembered why we got married, and have since rekindled our love for one another. I truly believe if this app was around during the reign of hitler, he would be too impressed to be angry and start any wars.